Sustainable furniture handcrafted in Houston

As designers and creators, we’re committed to conscious, mindful, and ethical production.

The importance of handcrafting our designs as sustainably as possible in an industry that’s almost forgotten its responsibility to the very materials it relies on is at the forefront of everything we do.

Sadly, furniture, just like fashion, has become disposable. In the US, over 12 million tons of furniture is thrown away EVERY YEAR.

Poor quality pieces either don’t last or they’re cast aside and replaced just to keep up with trending aesthetics or the latest decor hack.

And as the quality of these pieces continues to drop, the rise of fast furniture will continue to soar, which is why we pledge to do, be, and provide better.

Whether we are building timeless pieces from quality materials, or reviving well made pieces and giving them another lifetime, we are dedicated to breaking the pattern of fast furniture.

Buy once, buy well

When you buy from or co-create with us, you’re investing in an heirloom piece that’ll last a lifetime.

A piece you’ll feel intrinsically connected to, not just because of its design, comfort, and functionality, but also because from the moment it starts taking shape in our workshop, it’s part of your story, your memories, your moments.

So, we promise to always do our due diligence, respect the natural materials we use, be transparent in our efforts, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

reviving old furniture

Sustainability is the heartbeat of why we give well made old furniture a new life. There are many reasons people get rid of furniture, but when it is just outdated or no longer works for a family, we believe it can often be transformed and re-made to last another lifetime.

This is why for ever new piece we build, we revive an old piece as well.

Minimal waste

From the office to the workshop, we’re always looking for ways to reduce waste.

When you choose RDTX, you can be confident that we do everything we can to ensure your finished piece is created consciously with our Earth’s future in mind.

Our collection is considered, thoughtful, and crafted with the utmost care because we understand the value, significance, and sentiment it’ll hold for your family.

We can’t wait to become part of your story.